Dec 10, 2014

The Attitude of Gratitude

In my online class, this last week is titled Giving Back. How appropriate it is during this wonderful Christmas season.

I would like to share with you this touching message from President Gordon B. Hinckley. It is only about 4 minutes long and it is definitely worth the watch. It's titled Lessons I Learned as a Boy.

It is so important for those of us who have plenty and enough to share to help those less fortunate than us. You never know what someone is going through. I also think it's important to give those individuals the things they need, and not necessarily what they want (i.e.: money). We need to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and without a spot of judgment on them. We are all mortal beings. We all go through trials and on top of that, we all sin. Charity is the greatest of all the gifts of God. To be able to see and love others the way Christ sees and loves them.

Also, this little video is so so so good too! Have I Done Any Good In The World Today?

Remember what this time of year is really about. Remember the gift of giving. Let's spread a little more love and peace this Christmas season!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you lovely people. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you so much for sharing! I know November is when everyone thinks to be grateful but I feel like it is even more important at Christmas time!
