Jan 9, 2015

One Year Down - and Some Family Photos

So Scott and I have been married for just over a year now (yay!). This also means family photos! (more yay!) With that, every year (preferably in December because that is our anniversary month..) I want to take family pictures. I think its a great habit to get into, so cheers to that! And then when we have a house, I'll have a really nice collection of photos from every year since we've been married! So far we have one...when we got married...I need to get one of these new ones printed so I can put it up on the wall.

This last year has been great! Bumpy here and there, of course, but that's life. Scott and I have had many adventures this last year and I guarantee we will have plenty more this year!

One of the best things about getting married at the end of the year is it allows us to reflect on the previous year and look forward to the next! I am also so grateful that Scott and I were sealed together and married in the House of the Lord (In other words, an LDS Temple). This allows Scott and myself to be together forever! Time and all of eternity. How great is that?! I think it's pretty awesome. And we are a team so we are able to grow and learn together...forever!

Anyway, here are my favorite pictures from our little family photo shoot! Thank you to the wonderful  Annie for taking the photos! <3 (And if you couldn't tell, I am loving purple lately!)

I hope you all have a happy new year in 2015! Here is to becoming better versions of ourselves. (Since there is no reason to become a whole new you. You are already great!) And like my yogis say, this is a time for New Years good intentions, not necessarily resolutions. Sometimes the intent is all that matters.


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