I feel like I killed it on the second assessment! (Push ups and sit ups are as many as you can do in 2 min. and the run is a mile.) As I continue my fitness journey, I want to do the sit ups and pushups on a regular basis to track my progress. Rather than one a month, I may do it every other month or once every three. I haven't officially decided yet.
Specialized gyms can also get pretty pricy...so I'm not going to continue going, but I am going to continue to work out! (Also, if you are in the Phoenix area, TruHit does the fit challenges regularly. I would highly suggest doing a free month if you have a chance!) Before I heard about the TruHit challenge, I started this thing called the Bikini Body Guide created by Kayla Itsines. It's a 12 week program and it's really good! The workout shouldn't take you more than 45-60 min with warm up and cool down included. Best of all, I found it online for free! Click here! (If you click that link while on your phone, you can save it to your downloads or iBooks for easy accessibility.)
She also has another guide for weeks 13-24 for purchase, and I'll more than likely be glad to purchase it once I finish the first 12 week program. The work outs are basically Mon., Wed., Fri., with low impact cardio on Tues. and Thurs., really good stretching or yoga on Saturday, and we cannot forget Sunday rest day! You can also do a lot of it at home or in a small gym. I would highly suggest checking it out. I'm starting up again the first full week of the year and I would love for you to join in! We can all motivate each other! <3
How about we make 2016 a year to better ourselves in more ways than one! Join me in this 12 week BBG challenge!