Apr 2, 2014

Bucket List!

Everyone has a bucketlist. Am I right?! Right. :) Keeping track of that list though can be difficult! Solution! Bloggin it. BOOM! The things that I complete will be italic. Maybe I'll add a little "*" as well. Just for funzies! This will obviously be an ongoing post as well. So check back periodically and see what I have accomplished! :)

I'm also not really going to add things I've already done...unless you think that's a good idea? Lemme know, cause I have done some pretty sweet stuff ;)


  1. Skydive
  2. Set foot on every continent
    1. *North America
    2. South America
    3. Asia
    4. Africa
    5. *Europe
    6. Australia
    7. Antarctica (yes, this will happen)
  3. Live until I'm at least 103
  4. Go through every LDS temple! (Currently there is over 140. Yikes!)
    1. 4 down. (Mesa, Bountiful, Salt Lake City, San Diego)
  5. Ride in a hot air balloon
  6. Visit the Great Wall of China
  7. Get tickets to the Ellen show
  8. Put a lock on the Lock Bridge of Love in Paris
  9. See the Starling Murmuration
  10. See a total Lunar Eclips (blood moon)
  11. See a total Solar Eclips
  12. Visit every state in America
  13. Go white water rafting
  14. Go noodling!
  15. Catch a marlin
  16. Run a half marathon
  17. After that ^^ think about running a marathon
  18. Go to an active volcano
  19. Go on a safari in Africa
  20. Go to the rainforrest in South America
  21. Hike Machu Picchu
  22. Hike the Stairway to Heaven (Hawaii)
  23. Go see Mt Rushmore
  24. See the Northern Lights
  25. Learn how to sail
  26. Live in Europe
  27. Get married in the Temple
  28. Go on a cruise
  29. Swim in every ocean
  30. Go whale watching
  31. Go to Niagra Falls
  32. Hike down the Grand Canyon
  33. Build an igloo
  34. Ride a camel in it's natural environment
  35. Stand on the equator
  36. Create new life with my hubby
  37. Make my own melted crayon art
  38. Join the polarbear club
  39. Build a tree house
  40. Adopt a baby
  41. Grow my hair out really really long
  42. Complete a scrapbook
  43. Go to Ireland
  44. Make a driftwood bonfire
  45. Celebrate Holi in India
  46. Make grape juice by grape stomping
  47. Spend a day blind
  48. Float in the Dead Sea
  49. Visit all the natural wonders of the world
  50. Visit all the man-made wonders of the world
  51. Visit every Disney theme park
  52. Make a legit sand castle
  53. Live happily ever after with my wonderful hubby! :D
  54. Road trip up the west coast and hang out in Victoria, Canada!
  55. Road trip across the states!
  56. Make a quilt!
  57. Make a t-shirt quilt 
  58. Reupholster something
  59. Witness 3 generations of my posterity!
  60. See the pyramids 
  61. Go see the biggest flower in the world! (South America?)
Remember…I will be adding stuff to the list as I think of more! 


  1. When did you skydive, Trissa? I don't remember that. I think I should make a bucket list. You go, girl!!!

    1. I went skydiving the week after I turned 18 during spring break! :D

    2. How do you not remember that Mom?? She even had a video! Do you still have it Trissa?

      This is a fun list. You have a lot to do! :) I don't even know what some of those things are! There are some I would have on my bucket list too -- like, going through all the temples! I'd settle for all of them in the US, to start. Maybe we ought to make a family road trip happen! And I want to make a quilt! Let's do it together! :)

    3. I was actually wondering the other day about that video ha. It's probably at the parents house… Dad probably knows where it is maybe?

      Ohhhh! and that is a great idea.. some of the temples that are in other countries may be a bit difficult. BUT I can still attempt nonetheless! And road trip, YES, quilting, YES! We have to get on it crafting sister buddy!! :)
